Barack Obama is one of the most dishonest people to ever occupy the White House, though Bill and Hillary Clinton may want to fight him over that title. We don’t know where he was born, how he did in school, and what he heard at church. He claims to be a Christian, but is not versed in the Bible, and in fact probably heard very little of the Bible in Jeremiah Wrights church, which was mostly given to racist rantings against the country and white people.
But Obama is a political creature, and so he will use religion and the Bible to explain or justify his actions where he thinks it will suit his needs, even if it is nothing but a sham. Most American people and certainly almost all religious people were shocked and offended when Obama and his administration declared that men of all stripes and orientations are welcome to join little girls in women’s bathrooms, and teenage boys are invited to join high school girls in the locker room and showers as long as they claim some level of confusion about their gender identification.
Concerned fathers, of course, are not welcome in the women’s restroom, even if only to protect their young daughters from an ugly encounter with one of these confused perverts. Obama has decided to use religion to justify this nonsense. It is laughable and unbelievable, but he will say anything and the adoring press will repeat it without question.
Obama claims the Bible tells him having men in the women’s restroom is proper and appropriate, page 2:
It fact he is an idiot
Out with obama stone the stoner !!!
I don’t think “the golden rule” means to force girls to let boys into the locker room while they change clothes. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” If I were mentally deranged into thinking I was something I clearly am not, I would want someone to seek help for me. As a child, that is what should be doing, not feeding into the insanity and FORCING the country to bow down to their every whim.
I fail to see how putting confused girls in the boys rooms and confused boys in the girls rooms and allowing anyone that chooses to be in opposite locker rooms is good for any child. This c**p is confusing enough for adults to understand.
Let’s let our children grow up before they decide on life altering decisions. If they are allowed to decide on such important, life altering, and dangerous surgeries at such a young age, then what are parents for?? We have been told not to punish, no spankings, reward their bad behavior, reward them for participating, stop giving them bad grades so their feeling don’t get hurt, allow them ‘safe spaces’, allow them to choose their own gender, etc. At what point does good parenting come in?
Former Johns Hopkins chief of psychiatry: Being transgender is a ‘mental disorder . . . biologically impossible’
How dare he.
If he was a Christian he would read his bible an know the facts. He is a lier like his father satan.
Like he is a Bible scholar. He isn’t even a good muslim.
Stick to your bloody Koran, leave the Bible alone,it’s not your weapon you know nothing about it
F**k u
The enemy recites the bible to fool the christians..sorry bro that ain’t happening. WE THE PEOPLE KNOW you’re an enemy now. Too late to try that silly approach.