Barack Obama is one of the most dishonest people to ever occupy the White House, though Bill and Hillary Clinton may want to fight him over that title. We don’t know where he was born, how he did in school, and what he heard at church. He claims to be a Christian, but is not versed in the Bible, and in fact probably heard very little of the Bible in Jeremiah Wrights church, which was mostly given to racist rantings against the country and white people.
But Obama is a political creature, and so he will use religion and the Bible to explain or justify his actions where he thinks it will suit his needs, even if it is nothing but a sham. Most American people and certainly almost all religious people were shocked and offended when Obama and his administration declared that men of all stripes and orientations are welcome to join little girls in women’s bathrooms, and teenage boys are invited to join high school girls in the locker room and showers as long as they claim some level of confusion about their gender identification.
Concerned fathers, of course, are not welcome in the women’s restroom, even if only to protect their young daughters from an ugly encounter with one of these confused perverts. Obama has decided to use religion to justify this nonsense. It is laughable and unbelievable, but he will say anything and the adoring press will repeat it without question.
Obama claims the Bible tells him having men in the women’s restroom is proper and appropriate, page 2:
He is desperate to change the USA Wrong way
The Muslim of the White House bastardizing the bible. He has gone really really nutty. Somebody need to call the ambulance for nuts.
Shemales can just go use muslim obama shitter
Since OBAMA has declared himself as a Muslim, he can’t have any thing to say WHAT the Bible says. If his Koran says that, then say the Koran says it, not the Bible!
He’s a p.o.s
Obama is a idiot.
Obama is nuts. Can’t you idiots see that. He should be relieved of command. Not enough time for impeachment but under military law if he is found unfit for service he may be relieved by a military doctor. And yes he is in the military, he is suppose to be the commander in chief of the armed forces so the U M C J applies.
Idiot that plays the bible is the most stupidest thing I ever heard of
Like this fool will ever be in that position. I’d like to see a man in a dress walk in while his wife & daughters are using the same restroom!