Barack Obama is one of the most dishonest people to ever occupy the White House, though Bill and Hillary Clinton may want to fight him over that title. We don’t know where he was born, how he did in school, and what he heard at church. He claims to be a Christian, but is not versed in the Bible, and in fact probably heard very little of the Bible in Jeremiah Wrights church, which was mostly given to racist rantings against the country and white people.
But Obama is a political creature, and so he will use religion and the Bible to explain or justify his actions where he thinks it will suit his needs, even if it is nothing but a sham. Most American people and certainly almost all religious people were shocked and offended when Obama and his administration declared that men of all stripes and orientations are welcome to join little girls in women’s bathrooms, and teenage boys are invited to join high school girls in the locker room and showers as long as they claim some level of confusion about their gender identification.
Concerned fathers, of course, are not welcome in the women’s restroom, even if only to protect their young daughters from an ugly encounter with one of these confused perverts. Obama has decided to use religion to justify this nonsense. It is laughable and unbelievable, but he will say anything and the adoring press will repeat it without question.
Obama claims the Bible tells him having men in the women’s restroom is proper and appropriate, page 2:
he should read it first !!!
My Bible tells me in Romans ch 1:24 God gave them over in the lusts of their hearst to impurity and that their bodies be dishonored amongthem vs25 For they exchanged the Truth of God for a lie vs26 God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the Natural function for that which is Unnatural. That men abandoned the natural function of the women and burned in their desire toward one another men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their sin vs 28 and just as they didnt see fit to acknowledge God in any longer Gave gave them over to a Depraved mind to do those things which are not proper.
Omg he’s a disgrace to society
He’s fkn retarded duhhh
You are going to hell and I hope you burn you bastard
Lycrusia Jackson.. Go back to school…this time…pay attention!
Obviously he isnt reading the same Bible as us! Also, our children wont have the same privilege of having the secret service watching over our children.
I did not know there was eleven (11) commandments! Did you?
America is in more peril than we can possibly imagine. Many great societies have risen and fallen over the centuries. The common thread between them is that their decline started with the moral decay manifested by the open embrace of homosexuality on a societal level. I have seen this in America, and it has accelerated exponentially in my lifetime. Less than 2% of the population has elevated homosexuality from a mark of shame to a badge of honor. They have even changed our lexicon by replacing the descriptive word homosexual with the perverted use of the word “gay”. The homosexual community is forcing their way into every aspect of the American culture. From bullying private enterprises out of business to dictating the public school curriculum and indoctrinating our children in their perverted and unnatural life style. From promoting transgenderism, which is just another spin off of the homosexual agenda, to forcing “gender neutral” restrooms, which only affords perverts opportunity to ply their practice, to the perversion of declaring gender identity to be more important than sexual privacy. I can think of nothing more devoid of thought or common sense than these. Almost daily, we are accosted with another mind numbing perversion of the natural order of human sexuality and decency. We have even sunken the point of making feeble attempts at justifying this kind of perversion with the Bible. We are teetering on the precipice in imminent danger of going over the edge and plummeting into the abyss of moral bankruptcy. Homosexuality is a life style, not an immutable characteristic such as skin color or ethnicity Therefor homosexuals can not honestly claim minority status. There is no justification for homosexuality, either normally, naturally, logically, or spiritually. We must return to GOD’s standard of sexuality before we go down the same path of social destruction as the others before us. If we do not learn from the mistakes of history, we are doomed to repeat them.
When Nations Die