The Obama Administration is continuing to hide the rift between President Obama and FBI Director James Comey over what has been called The Ferguson Effect, which is the issue of whether the constant criticism of the police led by the Black Lives Matter Movement has had an impact on crime.
If you’ve been paying attention to the news or surf the Internet, the answer should be simple . . . yes. This comes in the wake of three separate meetings between President Obama and several chiefs of police, James Comey and students at the University of Chicago Law School and a closed door discussion between James Comey and Obama.
Reports claim that the White House was “irritated” about Comey’s remarks.
See what James Comey said on the next page.
Treason for obumba. Treason.Take back our country.
These Libtard people are an interesting study in human behavior. These are the very people who are extremely vulnerable and open to mind control . These are LIBTARDS ! These people have been conditioned and programmed by an ideology . The Libtards are no longer capable of independent thought . Contemporary observers of human behavior have a great opportunity to understand how the Nazis were able to capture the hearts and minds of an entire nation and induce them to commit acts of moral turpitude without the slightest feeling of guilt . Take for example the Libtards willingness and eagerness to slaughter babies and butcher them while they are still alive . Moral depravity sanctioned by the Libtards, who kill without guilt or hesitation–yet, it can and will get worse . We have to remember that when a corrupt regime takes complete control (gun confiscation is part of the process) , the next step in consolidating control and power is to round up those that are the free thinkers . To exterminate those that are resistant to the mind control that would allow complete subjugation of a population ! Think about mind control and the media’s role in it . Think about our educational system and how mind control is present . Think about revisionist history and mind control . Think about gun control and how the Libtards have been constantly attempting to get gun out of the hands of the law abiding –why, you should ask yourself ? It sound like a plot from some science fiction movie , but it happened in$#%&!@*Germany and you bet it can happen again –history does repeat itself . Can it happen in America? It can and has already started ! Something to consider. TRUMP…TRUMP for POTUS in 2016 ! America can not afford a Dumbocrat, Libtard or socialist! America desperately needs you Mr TRUMP !!
The black million man march on October 15 was sponsored by Obama and the nation of Islam, I was very uncomfortable, full metal jackets!
Treasonous Obama.
Lexie Madden replied to your comment on Franklin Graham’s link.
Lexie Madden
October 31 at 11:42pm
I live in Hawaii. O’Bama was named Barry Sotero when he went to high school here. His reputation and behavior was a gay black high sch kid that regularly skipped school and would do ANYTHING for cocaine. He preyed on wealthy older white men. You should get in a chat with some of Barrys former classmates! I hate thay he plans to move here. Hawaii doesn’t want him. They were gonna rename Sandy Beach to “Barach Obama Beach” but they received so much negative public response yhdy had to scratch that ide!
This f**e should be removed now from our House! He has tainted it to the point it should be torn down and rebuilt–perhaps someplace else than Washington!
This quote from the article is right on the money.
“When will Americans open their eyes and see that this race war exists because liberals are fueling it? The Ferguson Effect is real. Law Enforcement is becoming ineffective because they’ve been labeled as villains.”
You know what is racist? Labeling all white people as racist due to the color of their skin.
FBI take him out, NOW!
Mr. Oh remember you are half white because your mother did not abort you. Your father abandoned you and your mother.
He is doing what George Soros wants him to do, screw our nation.