The Obama Administration is continuing to hide the rift between President Obama and FBI Director James Comey over what has been called The Ferguson Effect, which is the issue of whether the constant criticism of the police led by the Black Lives Matter Movement has had an impact on crime.
If you’ve been paying attention to the news or surf the Internet, the answer should be simple . . . yes. This comes in the wake of three separate meetings between President Obama and several chiefs of police, James Comey and students at the University of Chicago Law School and a closed door discussion between James Comey and Obama.
Reports claim that the White House was “irritated” about Comey’s remarks.
See what James Comey said on the next page.
Idiot !!!
Yeah you don’t DARE go against “KING OBAMA”.
Obama wants law enforcement removed so he can bring in the UN.
FBI Director Comey is one of the few people in Washington that is ethical.
Is anyone else as tired of this tyrant as I am….would anyone else like to see him gone…any way possible…impeachment…his quitting…plane crash…car wreck…any way legal…just gone.
obummer is the real terrorist
most probably look down on Obama since he is only partially blackandwas raisedin awhiteworld
Just cannot stand the truth
Soros is Obama’s demon boss.
The closer we get to the election, the worse it’s going to become.
I’m from the south, so I know that to take our guns, they will have to pry them out of our cold dead hands. There are many here with stock piles of weapons and ammo. Be prepared for a war on American soil.