Speaking at a press conference yesterday, renowned ISIS apologist, President Obama outlined a plan to defeat ISIS by assaulting them with a barrage of (presumably) speeches and tweets. (See brief clip of Obama playing into the terrorist’s hands on Page 2).
ISIS were not reached for comment, probably because they were rendered helpless with laughter after Obama reminded the world of his conviction that “ideologies are not defeated by guns.”
bomb another empty building
I’ll cry because the idiot doesn’t know his back side from a hole in the ground
If he only had a brain da dun da dun da dun.
impeach,,Prison..Jail.. Pick one.
He wants ISIS to win.
RIGHT!!!!! $#%&!@*t $#%&!@*…
He’s pulling up his panties and putting on his pumps he’s serious now, fucn $#%&!@*!
Both. Laugh when he talks and cry when you find out what he really meant
MUSLIM extremists (yea I know he likes to call them radical extremists) that kill innocent children, tie 14 year old boys to a telephone pole and shoot an rpg (rocket propelled grenade) at him, watched the video with my own eyes, can’t be fought with guns but rather ideas?!? There is absolutely no reasoning or talking to people that f’n sick! Guns are not the only way to fight them, bombs, missiles, grenades also work! You are either with them and all that they stand for, or you are against them! Which side are you on barak Hussein obama? Dare I ask.