Speaking at a press conference yesterday, renowned ISIS apologist, President Obama outlined a plan to defeat ISIS by assaulting them with a barrage of (presumably) speeches and tweets. (See brief clip of Obama playing into the terrorist’s hands on Page 2).
ISIS were not reached for comment, probably because they were rendered helpless with laughter after Obama reminded the world of his conviction that “ideologies are not defeated by guns.”
Can we just give Barry to
Isis so he can talk to them! He thinks that will work instead ad of guns!
obama is a big joke & so is his goons. He is islam himself. People know’s his BS
ISIS will never be defeated the powers that be won’t let it happen.
If the U.S. had a real president ISIS would not have the power that it does.
WORDS is all Obama can think of, IMPEACH OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree! The reason nothing is being done is because either people refuse to believe it, even in plain sight or can’t do anything because it takes a lot of people working together actually doing something about it and most would rather some one else do it for them. America has very few conspiracy theorist and just because the mainstream media doesn’t report it they think it’s false. The enemy is controlling everything including the media. People have to work for a common goal together to help each other and that doesn’t happen much anymore these days, that is something hardship teaches you. Others will only believe it until they see it happening.
Yeah Obama that’ll get rid of them every time! Boy what a nut job he is!
Has anybody ever really watched all the different facial expressions he has.??? Serious, right here you can tell it is a lie. He wants to swamp them with messages??? Come on, he is stalling for time again, why?? He supports them totally, gives them everything they need to try and take us over. Yet he does not want us to fight for our freedom???? Lets send ton’s of messages to add fuel to the fire!! How sneaky, and underhanded vcan you get??? A lot more I’m afraid.
Both – laugh at the absurdity of this, then cry!