Speaking at a press conference yesterday, renowned ISIS apologist, President Obama outlined a plan to defeat ISIS by assaulting them with a barrage of (presumably) speeches and tweets. (See brief clip of Obama playing into the terrorist’s hands on Page 2).
ISIS were not reached for comment, probably because they were rendered helpless with laughter after Obama reminded the world of his conviction that “ideologies are not defeated by guns.”
Well hellllll here comes that mighty pen again
Yeah, a little kumbaya will settle those terrorists right down. Someone make him pee in a cup and find out what he’s doing.
Guess he will invite them to the whitehouse for a beer to discuss his ideologies with them. IDIOT
isis rendered helpless by laughter…is that his new strategy?
Either ISIS recruited Hussein Obama or he recruited ISIS. Doesn’t matter which… Hussein Obama supports ISIS in more ways than we know.
Send michelle and the kids over there to barter with ISIS.Get them jobs especially in the WHITE?MOSQUE as servants . Tell them the truth, that you are one of them.talk nice IDIOT
That’s right ISIS! He’s going to kill you with words.
He won’t do a dam thing
Remove Obama