Speaking at a press conference yesterday, renowned ISIS apologist, President Obama outlined a plan to defeat ISIS by assaulting them with a barrage of (presumably) speeches and tweets. (See brief clip of Obama playing into the terrorist’s hands on Page 2).
ISIS were not reached for comment, probably because they were rendered helpless with laughter after Obama reminded the world of his conviction that “ideologies are not defeated by guns.”
I have an idea, Toss Michelle at them.
Yeah, that’ll work, babahaha, dunderhead!!!
This is the most stupid ever. Why don’t he go over there and see what will happen to him. I know they cut his head off. If he’s that stupid he doesn’t need it any way.
Obama, such a fool.
then quit dropping weapons and supplies to isis, or better yet place a tracking device in the watermelon.
Oh ya, who is Isis?
obummer will shout them to death!lol,lol
breaking out the pea shooters from MR. Tough guy
He could defeat Isis by letting his wife handle their budget!!!
When will it stop?