Although President Obama seems to try at every turn to thwart the Constitution and crush the freedoms it enshrines for Americans, he is willing to dictate liberty for some the courts have decided don’t deserve it!
Cole called certain sentencing guidelines “out of date,” noting Obama “has the ability to take executive action” in remedying the situation as he sees fit. This type of behavior typifies Obama’s liberal idealism. He disregards the rule of law and ignores laws that complicate life for him and for his cronies, so when he feels the need to play the benevolent dictator, it’s to be expected that he favors those who have been convicted of crimes. After all, each use of ‘his pen’ gives him another chance to overrule the judicial branch. It’s good to be king! Source: Western Center for JournalismU.S. Deputy Attorney General James Cole recently explained that Obama, who commuted the sentences of eight convicts late last year, will soon demand cell doors be opened for even more offenders currently serving time.
Ignoring the decisions of courts across the nation, he said the Justice Department will be on the lookout for convicts it feels should be released and will “recommend them to the President for clemency consideration.”
Im no supporter of Ovomit but, there are many people in prison today unconstitutionally.. The golden rule provided in the constitution is “No victim-No crime”…
yep and perhaps he will release murderers who will personally visit him …just to thank him and…..
relatives of obama and those with ties to money and or treason against the u s a i bet
maybe he needs more room in jail for him and his friends
new rooms for his cabinet members
Now pay attention and see just how many Islamic Muslims, Muslim brotherhood, and violent criminals likely to be or be associated with terrorist or terrorist groups are released! I bet the number will be startling at the least!
Time has come for all of us to accept Obama is not for America and is abusing his position so time for us to unite and get rid if this AH at whatever cost and take back America and DC
O must go one way or another