The Pentagon quietly declassified a top secret document last year which reveals details about Israel’s nuclear program, while simultaneously keeping sections in the report on Italy, France, West Germany and other NATO countries blacked out and classified.
The contents of the 1987, 386-page document, titled, “Critical Technological Assessment in Israel and NATO Nations,” is described by the Israel National News as a “highly covert topic that Israel has never formally announced to avoid a regional nuclear arms race, and which the US until now has respected by remaining silent.”
for satanists. a, defeat for satan, but know this is one battle in the war against Satan’s last bid to kill the Jews. Satan took France, Sweden, Germany, lost UK, now must take America to trap Jews.
The subversive blacks, a mouthpiece of the dirty foul voice of Satan’s Islam, snd blamng the immigrants building America is just a prelude for the father of lies to accomplish what$#%&!@*could not finish. Our police want to pacify the blacks whom are still cursed by Noah’s. Ham, whom rebelled against God with Satan against Noah still stalks war. We as Christians went to Africa in the 1900’s
and took Africa’a 100% Islam since 600 BC and defeated Satan’s 60% control over sourh Africa. Yet in the 1700’s Islamic blacks sold their very own, a tradition seen yet today in the Sudan, Somalia. I so wished Americans were,as educated as I to see as Jeremiah said, you have eyes to see but cannot see and you have ears to hear but you cannot hear.
The problem in Amrrica is Islam from immigrants from 100% Islamic Africa in the 1700’s. And as north Africans Islamics raping through Scandinavia and France, when will you see and hear.
You must crush Islam before it gains a foothold or you end up as Australia carrying placards protesting SHARA law.
My grandmother told me a cow learns, even if it takes a knock on the head.
woukd a knock on the head wake you up? stop worrying about Islam whether it be of black subversives or of the Mideast. focus on Americans!!!
Get ready for all kinds of$#%&!@*YOU’s from thir traitor$#%&!@*head before he kicks sand
Obalmy & Hill-liar need to answer for so much !
Obama should be arrested put under house arrest released of authority
Obama is such a manchild and traitor, this is why the democrats lost and will continue to loooooose.
Start packing Buck Wheat, you’re fired.
lots of people need arrested for treason.