In defiance of the injunction from Texas federal judge Andrew Hanen, Obama states he will go ahead with his amnesty plans for illegal immigrants.
“We’re not going to be actually taking applications in until this case is settled,” Obama states on Tuesday. “But we are doing the preparatory work because this is a big piece of business,” he continued.
“The Department of Homeland Security will continue in the planning because we want to make sure as soon as these legal issues get resolved, which I anticipate they will in our favor, that we are ready to go,” Obama told reporters.
This is a clear violation of the judge’s injunction that clearly states that any and all preparations for amnesty must cease.
Won’t someone do something to this sorry excuse for a man.
Good question I would like to know that myself
The judge should call out the federal Marshalls and have them ALL arrested and sent to gitmo to wait for their trial for about 20 years or so. Take the whole bunch of un American trash, may take a couple of planes and don’t forget the dog
OBama should be the jester, not the king
Hang him.
Why stop breaking the law now? It S his MO.
Just sick of him
Kim Glass~
You need to read this about Barrack Hussein Obama, and how he is ILLEGALLY in possession of The White House. It is an ASTOUNDING article that NEEDS to be shared everywhere!! Please, READ IT COMPLETELY!!
Eddie Pappy DeSiervi and Ron Triplett~
You need to READ this article about how Barrack Hussein Obama is ILLEGALLY in possession of the White House, but is NOT the President of the United States of America. He does NOT QUALIFY to be a President, according to our National Laws. Please, READ THIS COMPLETELY, then share it everywhere!
Barrack Hussein Obama took possession of The White House ILLEGALLY. He is NOT QUALIFIED to be a President, according to our National Laws. Please, READ THIS CAREFULLY, and then share it everywhere.