The American SAFE Act, which would have provided additional screening of the 10,000 incoming “refugees,” will not be able to overcome the threat of Presidential veto. Barack Obama’s agenda to let in the 10,000 “refugees” will proceed as loosely as planned since House Republicans will not be able to reach the minimum votes required to override an executive veto. Additionally, Speaker for the House Paul Ryan said he would not seek to defund the program through a larger government funding bill. To put it shortly, the refugees are coming without a secure vetting process in place to ensure the security of Americans.
Obama’s agenda to admit more “refugees” will continue as per his plan, despite the large outcry for added security measures and in spite of the recent attacks in Paris which left over 100 victims dead. No special effort is being made on the part of the Obama administration to route out any ISIS agents or extremists.
Find out more about the House bill on the Next Page:
Obummer is anti -american. I can be a Christian and still hate what is bad. I don’t like thieves, and liars, and I don’t like change. I prefer to deal with others that speak English since I don’t speak any other language. I don’t see anything un-christian about any of the above.
My husband was a died in the wool democrat. He is now a Republican. Our only hope.
PATRIOTS do your duty
You need to be American to understand what unamerican is.
Could we stop bashing each other in this country for a few minutes and focus on other more obvious solutions to address the refugee problem.
To start, it’s incredible that the US/ Europe Leaders and media are so determined for their countries to accept thousands of refugees and won’t even mention that wealthy Mideast countries have to step up too!
The left/ right leaders and media in Western Countries need to stand together to demand that these wealthy Mid East countries owe up to their humanitarian obligations to these desperate Syrian refugees!
not wake up big by
He’s an idiot!!!!
He,s an IDIOT
you obama are no American.
And we the GOP think this lil beast is the scum of the earth