The Obama juggernaut of despotism has shifted into high gear in the waning days of his administration. We’ve seen bellicose talk and actions directed at Russia, verbal pot-shots taken at the incoming administration, massive pardons of criminals, copious executive orders with the intent to tie the hands of Donald Trump, and the betrayal of Israel. Quite a list of accomplishments — especially for a community organizer and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.
With three weeks to go, Mr. Obama shows no sign of letting up on his tyrannical actions. The man has a lot of undone projects left lying around, after all. And he gives every impression that he will persist in his hostilities until the moment he is no longer president. Who knows what else he has on his agenda, or what group will fall into his cross-hairs. It is pitiful way for a defeated man to behave as he prepares to leave the nation’s highest office.
If he can’t find any new crises to create, perhaps he can just go back and inflame some old ones.
That’s what we see happening right now at the Bundy ranch. More on page two.
Susceptible to surfeit, whereby you become obnoxious.
The baby is collecting his toys.
The best kind of people are the ones that come into your life, and make you see the sun where you once saw clouds. The people that believe in you so much, you start to believe in you too. The people that love you, simply for being you. The once in a lifetime kind of people.
Why do you think they wanted the Bundy ranch in the first place? They had already run off all the other ranchers. The Bundy ranch was the last holdout. They were destroyed.
How stupid
Obama should be prosecuted.
On the bright side Trump can undo this. The law that Osama used was an was also an executive order. Trump can write his own to overthrow it.
Uranium ore