While shouting that the minimum wage for illegal aliens working at McDonalds should be $15. an hour, President Obama used a loophole in the US Code deter a pay raise to the military. The lower pay increase translates to a Pay Grade E-4 (Corporal, Petty Officer 3d Class, Specialist 4, Senior Airman) with less than three years in service will earn less than $3.00 an hour. Under the 2016 pay scale, a Pay Grade E-1 undergoing recruit training will be paid roughly $2.15 an hour.
Read those miniscule numbers again and then go to the next page for more.
He did the same thing with SS
The truth is military pay was not cut. Your outlandish remarks are just as false. You have no proof that Trump will do any of the things you claim. Another thing to remember is that congress controls the purse strings of the nation so President Trump can only propose legislation. We listened to Obama whine for the past 6 years about not being able to get done his desires because congress wouldn’t cooperate, well the system is still the same.
What a classless act. Military personnel does not receive much pay to start with for the job they do to protect us.
Bye! Bye! Moron!
Tom Craig you’re an idiot. First of all. I know military pay was not cut. That was what the article said. Second, I said “Trump and the GOP” are doing this. That includes Congress. Third, the GOP runs the Presidency, the House, and the Senate. They can now get through any bill or budget they want. Fourth, they have already begun the process to take away Health Insurance. When Price was being interviewed he would NOT promise that they wouldn’t cut Medicare Medicaid or SS. It’s going to happen. Fifth, he wasn’t whining. Mitch McConnell refused to even hold a hearing to fill Scalias seat on the SCOTUS. That’s not cooperating. Vote him down, who cares. But at least make it look like you are pretending to do your job.
Finally, once again…you are an idiot.
You take away from our military and you want an extension on your pension? That does not seem very fair, especially from a president, who is not suppose to be greedy. Wow, you could have also shared some of that vacation money, don’t you thinnk?
ass hole idiot.
Soon to be righted…
Trump will fix this fast!
come make me you punk$#%&!@*wimp.