While shouting that the minimum wage for illegal aliens working at McDonalds should be $15. an hour, President Obama used a loophole in the US Code deter a pay raise to the military. The lower pay increase translates to a Pay Grade E-4 (Corporal, Petty Officer 3d Class, Specialist 4, Senior Airman) with less than three years in service will earn less than $3.00 an hour. Under the 2016 pay scale, a Pay Grade E-1 undergoing recruit training will be paid roughly $2.15 an hour.
Read those miniscule numbers again and then go to the next page for more.
Cuts soldiers pay and gives Iran money..billions….u name Rican
What Obama takes away Trump will replace with higher wages and jobs for all!
Traitorous$#%&!@*!!!!!! Millions are looking forward to this piece of useless dog dung to be gone, I just wish it was to a prison cell and not a mansion paid for by the American taxpayers.
This POS needs to be run out of town, like in the olden days. He has done NOTHING for the people and EVERYTHING for the Muslims and criminals.
Give the military the 18% raise he wanted.
All the money that is spent on illegals in this country is a damn shame.There are so many people waiting and waiting to enter America legally. Sanctuary cities are a crime and unfair to people who are waiting . illegals are criminals and city government who protect them should be in jail.Now if we could send back all these criminals to where they came from and hefty fines for all these cities .We then would have money to give our military a good pay increase. Money could also go towards helping these inner cities.
What a$#%&!@*
He will be gone soon…….. What an$#%&!@*he truly is.
First of all I totally agree that our military is underpaid. I am absolutely not a fan of President Obama in any way shape or form. This article is very wrongly headlined. The pay of the military was not cut for the third year in a row, the amount of the increase was cut not their pay. A 1.3% increase is not a cut in pay. The stated hourly wages for the soldiers reflect a 24/7 pay. True they are in the service 24/7 but they are not working 24/7. If one wishes to figure their hourly pay that way they should include the cost of room and board, medical insurance, and 30 days a year of paid time off into their salary. Once again let me reiterate I have the utmost respect for our military personnel and agree they are under compensated, I just would like the whole process to be a bit more truthful.
Y’all getting a raise soon