While shouting that the minimum wage for illegal aliens working at McDonalds should be $15. an hour, President Obama used a loophole in the US Code deter a pay raise to the military. The lower pay increase translates to a Pay Grade E-4 (Corporal, Petty Officer 3d Class, Specialist 4, Senior Airman) with less than three years in service will earn less than $3.00 an hour. Under the 2016 pay scale, a Pay Grade E-1 undergoing recruit training will be paid roughly $2.15 an hour.
Read those miniscule numbers again and then go to the next page for more.
And we should be worried. Facebook is little more than “slap-stick” comedy. Obama has no more authority and Trump can and will rescend “gay boys” orders. I have yet to see this on FOX News which I believe to be the only TV News station which is non-biased, telling the truth. Fakebook will low ANYTHING to be posted just to make a buck. People, don’t take anything on facebook at “face value”.
Ass Hole
Obama is a$#%&!@*! Our military should be given more money! It’s sad that the men and women that serve our country make little to nothing as it is and to have it taken away is disgusting!!
Two horses asses to believe those lies
He not only cut pay remember back when he cut the military.
What a low life
Charges on this dude. He’s done.
Well I hope Trumps just raises their pay triple what Obama cut!!