Due to the budget cuts imposed by Obama the Army will fire 500 majors, which began at the end of last year.
“Many of the 1,100 captains who were cut earlier this month were serving in Afghanistan and “the same thing probably will happen with some of these majors,” stated Gen. John F. Campbell, who will soon take command of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan.
Destroy. U.S. From within–weaken our. Army- give. Iran. 85 billion when he admits it. Will. Fund terrorists–madness
Congress needs to give BO a pink slip, Anyway Jan 2017 is coming soooon .
How can any Democrat. Sleep at night–they. Back. Him. What. Ever. He does
Wanetta Lynn Rose Smith, thanks for the link! Sharing!!
How come congressmen/senators can be “in” 30,40,50+ years but not the very ones we need heading up our military?
I like to know who is that Barry Soetero. Is he another p***k like Obama and Clinton. Oh I forgot that Hellary dont have a $#%&!@*.
Give obama his pink slip
It is time for the entire congress to meet and really come up with a plan, bill that is veto proof and will restore our military so we can defend our Nation and our people here and abroad… No one playing around with this man…got to get tough and do right by the We the People and America….sick of his favoring the terrorists over US…
He’s the worst president we have ever had, what a mess he has made of this country, it’s shameful.