Due to the budget cuts imposed by Obama the Army will fire 500 majors, which began at the end of last year.
“Many of the 1,100 captains who were cut earlier this month were serving in Afghanistan and “the same thing probably will happen with some of these majors,” stated Gen. John F. Campbell, who will soon take command of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan.
Two words. Jade Helm.
The prep for his National Security Force.
The only ones that will be left in the military will be shapeshifters. Kind of scary.
When will the yanks realise that Obama is killing the USA ??? When it’s too late !!!!
He is doing all he can to weaken America.
his real name is barry soetoro
Obama will destroy our armed forces for the muslims
We are at war with terrorist and he is getting rid of our military.
Are you watching ,Folks???
trump will build the military back like it should be