Due to the budget cuts imposed by Obama the Army will fire 500 majors, which began at the end of last year.
“Many of the 1,100 captains who were cut earlier this month were serving in Afghanistan and “the same thing probably will happen with some of these majors,” stated Gen. John F. Campbell, who will soon take command of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan.
yes a pink slip
He will be very sorry! We really need our military stronge! Nobody is going to be left to fight for our Country!!! What an Idiot! !!
Obummer needs his pink slip now!!!
thats right weaken us more
before he leaves office there will be just o f handfull of americans in the military,giving american soldiers pink slip and enlisting muslims and latino,s who a
then Alejandro Guapo you must be blind!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PINK SLIPS to ovomit and his group!!!!
lots of luck with that Greg Zimmermn
If this is like LAST time, he replaces them all with his comrades in the brotherhood!