Due to the budget cuts imposed by Obama the Army will fire 500 majors, which began at the end of last year.
“Many of the 1,100 captains who were cut earlier this month were serving in Afghanistan and “the same thing probably will happen with some of these majors,” stated Gen. John F. Campbell, who will soon take command of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan.
He’s very afraid of the military.
He cuts military so he can have more money to spend on Marthas Vineyard on his families 26th vacation this year.
Making it easier for the UN to step in. Be a cold day in hell when the PEOPLE will allow this.
The $#%&!@*le should say “the communist termite just @#$%ed 500 majors on his purge of the military”
Donald Trump shot himself in the foot by not being prepared, by not answering questions and by trying to be funny! Donald, you were out of your element, you should have been prepared to be a tarbet no matter who was asking the questions.
Someone is going to shoot this p***k, Kennedy’s were saints compared to this Antichrist.
Obama is an idiot
That’s right.