Due to the budget cuts imposed by Obama the Army will fire 500 majors, which began at the end of last year.
“Many of the 1,100 captains who were cut earlier this month were serving in Afghanistan and “the same thing probably will happen with some of these majors,” stated Gen. John F. Campbell, who will soon take command of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan.
Toe tag for King Putt !
This is another example of treason and Boehner, McConnell, and most of all of the democrats sit by and Let him do it. He should have been impeached right after Benghazi. This means that Boehner, McConnell, and the rest of them are Accessories to hs treason and should all be impeached right along with him.
…and the people who can put a stop to this madness…WON’T.
Got to make room for illegal aliens
soon we will have a muslim army . see how easy it is to take over america,they dont even have to fire a shot when the boss runs america . some one better soon do some thing .
Hey congress, where’s obama’s pink slip and order for one permanent jail cell. Get off your buts and get to work or get out for someone who will. Nothing but political welfare cases.
Well they need that money for the illegals that they are here and try to make then U.S. citizens so they can vote for there party.