Barack Obama is once again trying to explain Donald Trump’s continued success in the political arena, and once again he’s calling Donald’s campaign an appeal to anger. That’s a line used for months against Trump, but it’s odd coming from Obama himself.
The reason as simple. By saying that Donald Trump is only popular because he appeals to neglected voters, voters that are blue collar, often white, who have lost their jobs or have been hit hard by the economy, Barack Obama is essentially openly admitting that Donald Trump is only succeeding because Obama has been an awful president.
Think about it. His economy stagnated for years.
Despite being our first black president, race relations have deteriorated, mostly at the expense of the reputation of white Americans. He ignores the will of his country to push his own agenda. These are the reasons why people are angry, and they are Barack Obama’s fault.
So he’s saying his failed presidency is the reason why people support Trump? No argument there.
See Obama explain it in his own words on the next page:
Bottom line, people at tired of your so call hope and change, because we have lost hope because of the change you caused in America.
So now obammys a doctor
DO YOU THINK ! I have a high school only and I see it years ago. so mush for a collage perso.
The anger is directed at the Obama administration
Who someone get a message to Obama that it’s him, nothing else not color, just him we want out of here!
O is a moron
Barry sees the people getting smart – that scares him because he is losing control of us.
for once, hes right! yes, we ARE ANGRY! We are tired of the lies, we are tired of the FUNDAMENTAL CHNAGES, we are pissed over the racist crapola! we are pissed at our open borders!, we are pissed at Islam being crammed down our kids throats! we are pissed at the corruption in our government, we are pissed at the war on our military, and our police, while vile assed , hate mongors are hailed heros! we are pissed at the billions of OUR dollars going to fund terrorism, we are pissed that our leader wants us dead, and the list goes on! Trump is the answer!!!!! (sorry, rant over)
Obama is a traitor
You have committed acts of HIGH TREASON against AMERICA and have done your best to DESTROY this Nation and Our Constitution.