Barack Obama is once again trying to explain Donald Trump’s continued success in the political arena, and once again he’s calling Donald’s campaign an appeal to anger. That’s a line used for months against Trump, but it’s odd coming from Obama himself.
The reason as simple. By saying that Donald Trump is only popular because he appeals to neglected voters, voters that are blue collar, often white, who have lost their jobs or have been hit hard by the economy, Barack Obama is essentially openly admitting that Donald Trump is only succeeding because Obama has been an awful president.
Think about it. His economy stagnated for years.
Despite being our first black president, race relations have deteriorated, mostly at the expense of the reputation of white Americans. He ignores the will of his country to push his own agenda. These are the reasons why people are angry, and they are Barack Obama’s fault.
So he’s saying his failed presidency is the reason why people support Trump? No argument there.
See Obama explain it in his own words on the next page:
Ovomit has destroyed the democrap party, most of my democrat friends are now voting for Trump, they are tired of the liberal lies and the danger we are put into with liberals selling out America.
So many democrats are sick of it all
It is not just Obama for without the support of congress he would have been stopped years ago. It is the nest of criminals and treasonous narcisses political professionals……all for one and one for all and All AGAINST we American Citizens….we are not men and women, nor are we African, Native, Mexican, Italian, middle class, Republican, young, old Americans WE ARE AMERICANS all the same and all one people…….We do not serve you YOU work for US and we are tired of the games and abuse…..
You think ?
We hate you Barry…lyin pos
That’s right Obama, people are pissed because if you! You are 100% right, you are responsible for Trumps following.
Mr. President people of every color have lost jobs, homes, their health care. You have failed. Mr. Trump is for every color of people and he is for the rights of actual American people before people from other countries.