Barack Obama is once again trying to explain Donald Trump’s continued success in the political arena, and once again he’s calling Donald’s campaign an appeal to anger. That’s a line used for months against Trump, but it’s odd coming from Obama himself.
The reason as simple. By saying that Donald Trump is only popular because he appeals to neglected voters, voters that are blue collar, often white, who have lost their jobs or have been hit hard by the economy, Barack Obama is essentially openly admitting that Donald Trump is only succeeding because Obama has been an awful president.
Think about it. His economy stagnated for years.
Despite being our first black president, race relations have deteriorated, mostly at the expense of the reputation of white Americans. He ignores the will of his country to push his own agenda. These are the reasons why people are angry, and they are Barack Obama’s fault.
So he’s saying his failed presidency is the reason why people support Trump? No argument there.
See Obama explain it in his own words on the next page:
Thank you Donald
why hasn’t he been impeached yet
Obama you have made America angery. You are a liar and a fraud. You have done nothing but destroy America and making it a muslim nation. I hope we get to vote next year, We the people of the United States of America will take this great nation back and run all these illegal and terriost out of America. You will be gone and hope to never be seen again. You have made us angery.
Obama don’t know what’s truth or goodness is ,it would never come out of his hart ,he is a lier and a hateful person.
I don’t believe that anyone is listening to Obama any more
It’s fueled by obumers failures on America and Americans and also his accomplishments like letting illegals in refugees in bending over backwards for Iran creating isis and arming them with guns while trying to take ours away setting back race relations 50 years releasing terrorists to kill more Americans all the cover ups and lies coming out of this administration downsizing the military that protects America caring for illegals and Muslims over Americans Obamacare that works for the people who don’t work . anyone that reads this feel free to add to the list
Don’t believe what obama says, if he says one then, then turn it around and you’ll have more of the truth then. He nothing but a liar.
Obama you have cut pay for Vets that retired from 20 plus years of service for you Muslims and other on welfare and no raise to SS for the elderly and so they will have to go on welfare.. You have devided this country as many ways as you could think of. The biggest problem is you are not a true American so you colud care less about this Country.
Worse ever voted in by morons, nothing but a disgrace n shouldve never been elected, never did anything for our country but trying real hard to make it a racist country which we are not but your muslim family making it like that by being offended n hurting ppl, hope they hang him by his testicles , muslim scumbag racist traitor