Barack Obama is once again trying to explain Donald Trump’s continued success in the political arena, and once again he’s calling Donald’s campaign an appeal to anger. That’s a line used for months against Trump, but it’s odd coming from Obama himself.
The reason as simple. By saying that Donald Trump is only popular because he appeals to neglected voters, voters that are blue collar, often white, who have lost their jobs or have been hit hard by the economy, Barack Obama is essentially openly admitting that Donald Trump is only succeeding because Obama has been an awful president.
Think about it. His economy stagnated for years.
Despite being our first black president, race relations have deteriorated, mostly at the expense of the reputation of white Americans. He ignores the will of his country to push his own agenda. These are the reasons why people are angry, and they are Barack Obama’s fault.
So he’s saying his failed presidency is the reason why people support Trump? No argument there.
See Obama explain it in his own words on the next page:
Benghazi , releasing five Taliban terrorist , for a traitor
I believe trump.
not letting Hillary be arrested.
WEll YEAH!!!! YA THINK?????
letting your wife ruin school lunches and your daughters becoming racists also.
Hey Ojackass,YOU’RE FIRED!!!
Does he EVER NOT BLAME EVERYONE ELSE???? Oops, forgot talking about Obummer..
If he hadn’t tried to insult us at every turn and have us overtaken by our enemies, things would not be this bad, he and his wife hate white people and everything America stands.for.
Barry Satoro hashtag Barack Obama illegal president by fraud a tyrannical administration traders to America Americans and the world
We are all angry and our anger will be the cause of our success you can put it in the truth pile.