The DOJ has just announced that it will start flushing community-activist groups across the country with millions of dollars under the pretense of combating urban crime and reducing tensions between police and racial minorities.
Coming from the President who has set this nation back 60 years in terms of racial relations, Obama hopes to build on his ‘success’ with a huge expansion of ‘community organizers’ schooled in Saul Alinsky tactics.
But this group will surely not only serve as government-sponsored race agitators, but will be utilized as ‘snitch managers’.
It’s called building the communist base.
Live action Target practice.
H I s creations have ruined America
OMG another Hussein creation that can’t be good
He’s on “Christmas” vacation so give us a break from him
Ten Reasons for Supporting Trump
1. Donald Trump is immune to special interest lobbying because he has accepted no donations or special interest money. No other candidate can make this claim.
2. Donald Trump knows how to negotiate. No one builds an international business empire the size of Mr. Trump’s without being able to win at the negotiating table.
3. Donald Trump is an executive. The President of the United States is the Chief Executive Officer of our nation. We don’t need a policy expert or a legislator – we need someone who knows how to run an organization. Mr. Trump is the only candidate who has a proven record as a successful executive on a large scale.
4. Donald Trump is honest. Mr. Trump is a man who tells the truth. He may not always say it in the most polished way, but our country has had enough suave liars. It is time for some straight forward honesty.
5. Donald Trump is decisive. We hear about his having business interests that filed for bankruptcy. In each case, he looked at the situation as it was, and then he cut his losses. We need someone who will look at government programs realistically and if they are failures; will end the wasteful Washington spending.
6. Donald Trump is courageous. Mr. Trump has been viciously attacked by the Washington establishment and the media – and he has not budged one inch. In other words, he is willing to take charge and lead.
7. Donald Trump listens. At Trump Presidential events, the audience gets to actually speak to him without being screened, and he responds without a teleprompter.
8. Donald Trump understands that a nation without borders, language and laws is not a nation.
9. Donald Trump has actually read the Bill of Rights, and is willing to defend its provisions. He is not afraid to speak about Christian persecution, and protecting gun rights.
10. Donald Trump loves this country – and says so. He wants to make America great again
Let’s make a note for next year: Fire a Nationwide network of ‘Community Organizers’ and use the funds to reduce the 18 trillion dollar deficit.
I miss having an American President
UN Agenda 21 “Strong Cities”
There you go, a whole nation of incompetent people blaming others for their mistakes!