It was a reminder that Obama is the ultimate narcissist, focused on himself and how things affect him. Though he was sold as a “regular, him Joe who you could go have a beer with,” it turns out that he is a tremendous egotist who believes his views and desires are unassailable and unquestionable, and all others are irrelevant. You need look no further than Washington where he has very few friends on either side of the aisle, even though submissive and pliable Democrat pols reliably line up to do his every bidding. He is a emotionally distant to all, except perhaps family, and his interjection of humor while discussion the deaths of German citizens, some of whom were children, displayed his crass and unfeeling nature.
His distance and lack of empathy were also on display a few months ago when he took a trip to Hawaii for yet another round of golf. When he was advised that six American soldiers had been killed by jihadis in Afghanistan, he had Josh Earnest, his press secretary, make a generic expression of condolence while Obama continued on his way to the golf course. It appears that he is a very busy guy and can’t be bothered with details like making a personal statement about the young men who are protecting this nation.
On a side note, it is worth noting that Germany and the media are quickly creating the narrative that this latest massacre has nothing to do with Islamic terrorism, but is the work of a mentally disturbed young man entranced by previous mass killings. That should please Obama, who must be getting tired of explaining away the many attacks by Muslim jihadi. It should be noted, however, that the killer, now deceased, had Iranian citizenship and was purportedly shouting “Allahu Akbar” as he gunned down his many victims.
Obama is the reincarnation of Jim Jones Who murdered 900 men women an children in a Guyan jungle compound called JONESTOWN Also killed a US SEN. an serveal news people. Do You Remember?
This$#%&!@*is evil
He fashions himself as a stand-up comedian. Even during medal of honor ceremonies. Total jerk.
Of course, were the facts known I wonder who was the mastermind?
Of course that$#%&!@*n****r is cracking jokes, especially that he is the leader of isis
This is one of the worse {POTUS ever. No morals, no soul.
He probaly jokeed about all of the terris attackes inour country as well..