One would think, after the total collapse of race relations under Barack Obama, that the president would try and change tactics — but he hasn’t. This week, Obama once again decided to admonish the white community for the problems caused by minorities in the inner city.
For the man once hailed as the potential healer of race relations, he sure does enjoy criticizing entire races of people — as long as that race happens to be white. Even when a crime is committed by a minority, Obama manages to blame white people.
Just a few weeks ago, Obama blamed the white victims of anti-police violence for the “racism” that got them shot.
It’s incredible, it’s insulting, and it keeps coming from the mouth of our nation’s first black president. Surely, this isn’t what people thought they were going to get when they called Obama’s inauguration the beginning of a “post-racial America.”
See Obama’s latest attack on white police officers on the next page:
No people like you and congress, blm,black kitty cats, and what others are there.
you are Muslim of american can’t see whats right whats wrong .
Heres your clues to your wrong and right.
1 you are roiting over a black criminal running fighting not obeying commands.(true),.
You just like burning looting and causeing major damage and exspect us pay for it what if it was us whites buring your$#%&!@*down.
Would you like it and believe me we have a reason to but whites don’t roll like that.
We just deal with it cause it didn’t hurt you your just puppet follower.
Good luck on burning looting robbing killing for no reason.
He supports a violent hate group that twist the facts and misuse data to claim issues that actually are not true
What is not to understand, point a gun at me I shoot you done
he hasn’t learned!
It’s not cops struggling it is you and your black lives matter turrist.
I have a question about this. What do you suggest be done, Cops just stand still and make a good target, not carry guns but a basket full of hugs.? We have laws for a reason, white or black, if you pull out a gun on a cop you are going to get shot, if you try to resist arrest you are going to get shot. Or could it be another reason? He plans on killing these people anyway, but wants police forces done away with that are run by local and state agencies. and wants a martial law type of establishment that takes orders only from the govenment. And why would that be? perhaps to put a yoke upon the neck of the citizens to bring them into$#%&!@* and rapture in world global order. I think we all see this except for the BLM people that is being used. after they have accomplished to break the law enforcemnt they 2 will be eliminated by the new law and order.
No they are struggling to do the right thing but you wont let them.
Lord help us all, from those ruining our great
How about criminals have no problem in not following the laws or orders from the police and the police are forced to shoot the losers ! And don’t forget to cry hands up don’t shoot me BS ! F you if you pull a gun I’ll shoot your$#%&!@*right along side of the police !
Obama, you have been struggling with that ever since you got elected. So let’s not be the pot calling the kettle black! You are the one that doesn’t appear to understand that you have been a total failure for this country, and you will SOON be out of office!