One would think, after the total collapse of race relations under Barack Obama, that the president would try and change tactics — but he hasn’t. This week, Obama once again decided to admonish the white community for the problems caused by minorities in the inner city.
For the man once hailed as the potential healer of race relations, he sure does enjoy criticizing entire races of people — as long as that race happens to be white. Even when a crime is committed by a minority, Obama manages to blame white people.
Just a few weeks ago, Obama blamed the white victims of anti-police violence for the “racism” that got them shot.
It’s incredible, it’s insulting, and it keeps coming from the mouth of our nation’s first black president. Surely, this isn’t what people thought they were going to get when they called Obama’s inauguration the beginning of a “post-racial America.”
See Obama’s latest attack on white police officers on the next page:
No obummer you are trying to figure out why true Americans are not following your Pathetic policies
With misguided leadership in the oval office and progressive adversarial treatment consistently Divisive, it is completely understandable……..time to take The Train !!!……
Shoot the one that is Stupid Black and Has a Gun. No struggle there.
The true problem doesn’t start with the police, it’s the general public. Everyone is “a victim” and there is the ever present “race card”. The biggest problem is the media giving half truth on stories without awaiting details. The kicker to the problem is that any of the so-called agitators would never put themselves in a position of shoot-don’t shoot scenario. Commander Candy$#%&!@*knows nothing about police patrolling or being placed in a situation where waiting and making a judgement call can get you killed.
STOP Being Criminals!!! It has gotten crazy, everybody wants, but not willing to GET A JOB, and be responsible for your own life.
They know how to do the right thing and they do it everyday.
Obama After He Takes Off His Human Suit.
Obama you are one disgusting$#%&!@*….. Can wait for the last day you are in office… you have created this race war… and the problems with police… you divide this country…. hope all people wake up you what you have done.
say the failed president
No there not, just shoot the stupid mother sfr with a gun, enough said