As the death toll rises in the war on America’s law enforcement, Barack Obama and other liberal politicians continue to praise the group that has fanned the flames and inspired many of the latest assassinations of police officers — BlackLivesMatter.
Since the officer-involved shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri — which was ultimately determined to be justifiable self-defense — BLM has continued to run with the disproven narrative that Officer Darren Wilson executed a surrendering Michael Brown. Turns out the “Hands up, don’t shoot!” story that the Democrats and the mainstream media perpetuated was based on a complete fabrication by Brown’s friend, Dorian Johnson.
The immediate and unsubstantiated vilification of Officer Wilson by the left and by the press led to intense rioting, looting, and rapidly deteriorating race relations.
Yet, they continue to spew out anti-police rhetoric — and it’s getting people killed.
President Obama, in a joint news conference with the Spanish Prime Minister again added fuel to the fire by suggesting that if only cops acknowledged how racist they are they wouldn’t be targeted for assassination. To read more, including the president’s own words, continue on the next page:
Lmao.. This asshat is the one to talk about admitting their problems..
Piece of$#%&!@*6 more months bye bye asswipe
We don’t negotiate with terrorists
If you would shut your mouth there wouldn’t be a problem..
F U O’VOMIT !!!!!
He has set Racism back 25 years !! This has been his plan all along !
he should go for a ride along for a week or so, have HIM walk up to car windows in a police uniform, have HIM confront someone possibly or definitely breaking the law and have to fight for your life because they simply won’t comply. You know it’s a cop when they approach you,they don’t know ANYTHING about YOU. God he is one dumb f**k
f**k you NIGG&^
i don’t believe i’ve ever used the N word in anger before, but it just popped into my head when thinking about Obie. He’s amazing at manipulation.
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