The FBI has certainly been getting under Hillary’s skin lately. That shouldn’t be a surprise. After all, investigating and pursuing criminals is their job. It’s when the FBI isn’t doing its job, such as when FBI Director Comey refused to recommend criminal charges against Hillary a few weeks ago that there should be an issue.
And apparently there was an issue, since Comey has reversed course to some degree, as he reopened the inquiry into Hillary’s email scandal. And the FBI is now aggressively investigating wrongdoing by her associates such as Huma Abedin and her disgraced husband, Anthony Weiner. And more than likely into a number of other matters that have yet to be disclosed to the public.
For those who think it would be a good idea for the whole Clinton crime syndicate to be prosecuted for their crimes this is good news. After all, the problem shouldn’t be finding felonies to charge them with, it would be figuring out where to start.
Arrayed against the FBI, unfortunately, is Mr. Obama and his so-called Justice Department. Will he sabotage the investigation or prevent charges being filed in order to protect his legacy as well as Hillary and her partners in crime from prosecution? More on page two.
James Comey sold out. Obama and his administration is corrupt. the DOJ is major corrupt and a political hack for Obama. The FBI is no longer to be believed. The Republican party is no longer a viable party. the Clinton Cartel is getting away with mob , mafia like, criminal activity under the shelter of a charitable foundation, the main stream media is in the tank for Clinton. …where does it all end? I don’t know, but it would be a blessing if Trump could get in. Not going to happen though because just like the Whitehouse, the election is rigged and totally corrupt as well which was proved by the Wikileaks drops showing the rigged town hall meetings, the DNC rigging their own primary against Bernie Sanders.
Keep your hands off him you jackass!/TheFederalistPapers/photos/a.112478365457075.7231.107705785934333/1264410390263861/?type=3&source=48&refid=28&_ft_=qid.6349969737593037953%3Amf_story_key.-6517730489138480741&__tn__=E
I’m glad his did his duty for the American people and completed the review in a timely fashion !
obama is CROOKED as a dogs leg. go play golf
Consequences? Comey better get his helmet and a good bullet-proof vest…..Not sure what they are smiling about…..but this administration has always been on the “strange” side. 🙂
There’s hundreds and thousands of Muslims from Syria migrating to Northern New York please help us stop this movement contact or Governor or senator whatever it takes thank you
He’s just sooooo pesky.