We know there is no lock box where the government keeps the pile of cash they need to pay out to Social Security recipients. There is simply a stack of IOU’s government officials have put there, knowing that the day is coming when current receipts being used to pay retirees will not be enough to cover the total. It is a ponzi scheme that both parties are in on. We also know that if workers had the same amount of money that is taken from their checks for the social security “savings” trust to invest, they would end up being multi-millionaires rather than getting a paltry $2,000 or $3,000 a month. It is theft, pure and simple, brought to you by the U.S. Government.
Here is another scam that is designed to siphon off cash from retirees for government purposes. Under Barack Obama, the “working man’s friend,” there was a shortfall between gas tax receipts and projected highway spending. The president and his accomplices in crime looked around to find another source of revenue to pilfer, and they found it in the private pension plans of workers who will depend on those funds for comfortable retirement. That is not going to be the case.
See government plan for stealing pension funds on page 2:
This just really sucks
So Congress is working with him on everything to destroy this country.
crooked S. O. A. B.
when is our congress gonna grow some balls ?
Every single one in Washington from muslim devil bummer to the very last pon needs fired and in prision for stealing from tyhe little guy.
Charlotte Simpson just remember our goverment officials call ssi a entitlement even though we worked and paid to a program that people were not given a choice as to how you could save for retirement Maby all the politions need to be replaced and all there benefits replaced with ssi like they have forced on the rest of us no exception !!
See “$” pic? Coined 1772-1821; used in U.S. to 1857! Quoting: (*In writing to a citizen of Rhode Island, Geo. Washington wrote in 1787: “Paper money has had the effect in your State that it ever will have, to ruin commerce, oppress the honest, and open a door to every species of fraud and injustice.”) fn.#2* & fn.#7* Richard Henry Lee, writing to Geo. Mason, at the outset of the Convention, on May 15, expressed the nature & problems of paper currency: “Knaves assure, & fools believe, that calling paper ‘money’ & making it ‘tender’ is the way to be rich & happy; thus the national mind is kept in continual disturbance by the intrigues of wicked men for fraudulent purposes, for speculating designs.” From rare history book “The Making* of the Constitution by Charles Warren, 1937, p.551. & found in book The Mint & Coinage Acts* of the United States by Weisman Pub’s. Copyright© 1987 ISBN 1-929205-01-5. Pg. 33, 35.
Not the first Corporation or Union to loot the Workers Pension Plan… Seems to be part of Corporate Business Plan..m
Stupid idiots will continue to vote democrat!!!
LBJ had JFK killed and he robbed the SS funds back in the day and they been taking from it ever since.It was like a lottery to them spending our paid for inheritance. This is not an entitelement, this is our pensions we paid into.Look how the government has control over your 401K’s like they own it as well.