Looks like Obama’s finally admitting the “jayvee team” wasn’t so “jayvee” after all.
After well over a year of laughing off the threat by ISIS, the President has abruptly changed his position on the terrorist group, referring to it as a “serious threat” and finally admitting that it “must be destroyed” in a press conference. This is a complete 180 from his remarks just two weeks ago that the jihadist militia was “contained”, to say nothing of his infamous dismissal of the group a few months before it took over huge swathes of Syria and Iraq in 2014.
Tellingly, these comments were made during a joint conference with French President Francois Hollande, who was visiting the White House to discuss counter-terrorism strategies against the Islamic State. Hollande has been making the rounds across the world to rally support for a concerted effort to destroy ISIS, making Obama’s stated goal of “degrading” and “containing” the extremist menace look half-baked.
See Obama’s unexpected remarks at the link below:
well said
That’s the problem our politicians as a whole are not responsible for there actions
obummer & his mozlems & Refugees & ILLEGALS are our BIGGEST Threat ! Anyone that Isn’t smart enough to figure out that obummer is a mozlem , needs their own Special Jacket and needs to Sleep in a padded room ! obummer ISN’T concerned about protecting the American people , he ONLY cares about his mozlems , Refugees and ILLEGALS. obummer is without a DOUBT WORSE then any President we have EVER had or EVER could have . obummers Legacy = obummer is the BIGGEST and WORST FAILURE this country has EVER had but that’s all you an expect when a bunch of IGNORANT / Brain Dead / MORONS put an ILLEGAL ALIEN / mozlem TRAITOR in the White House…..SCREW his mozlems and him and the ILLEGALS and his Refugees and the GUN CONTROL so his mozlems can Take Over !!!
We will admit he is wrong to everyone but AMERICANS.
I know this is off topic but
..If you ever need a good laugh, check out the CNN page..wow those people are hilarious!!
“Like other truly talented phonies, Barack Obama concentrates his skills on the effect of his words on other people – most of whom do not have the time to become knowledgeable about the things he is talking about. Whether what he says bears any relationship to the facts is politically irrelevant.
A talented conman…does not waste his time trying to convince knowledgeable skeptics. His job is to keep the true believers believing.” – Thomas Sowell
“The first thing that is most striking about that record is the long string of his mentors and allies who were marked by hatred of the United States,”
“After Obama went out into the world and worked for a time in a private business, he regarded himself as being, in his own words, “a spy behind enemy lines.”
“Obama has long said that the United States plays too large a role internationally. His policies suggest that Islamic countries need a larger role. The troubling question is whether he still sees his own role as “a spy behind enemy lines” in the White House.” – Thomas Sowell
he is stupidiy incarnate
Obama’s fantacy Land….
Will some body please impeach him and arrest his Attorney General and Head of Homeland Security and all the anti Americans who he put in their high security jobs…NOW???? HE CONTINUES TO WALTZ AROUND Congress and trampled on our CONSTUITION.