Looks like Obama’s finally admitting the “jayvee team” wasn’t so “jayvee” after all.
After well over a year of laughing off the threat by ISIS, the President has abruptly changed his position on the terrorist group, referring to it as a “serious threat” and finally admitting that it “must be destroyed” in a press conference. This is a complete 180 from his remarks just two weeks ago that the jihadist militia was “contained”, to say nothing of his infamous dismissal of the group a few months before it took over huge swathes of Syria and Iraq in 2014.
Tellingly, these comments were made during a joint conference with French President Francois Hollande, who was visiting the White House to discuss counter-terrorism strategies against the Islamic State. Hollande has been making the rounds across the world to rally support for a concerted effort to destroy ISIS, making Obama’s stated goal of “degrading” and “containing” the extremist menace look half-baked.
See Obama’s unexpected remarks at the link below:
Can’t fix STUPID
barry the face of Evil
Get this non American out of office now and into a jail cell for the rest of his life and include his other half!!!
Half baked?? When it comes to this clown, no one even turned the oven on!!
He hasn’t admitted he’s wrong on anything yet, and I’m sure he never will. Gotta always blame someone else.
Why would anyone with half a brain not think he’s part of the islamic agenda? GFY Obooboo bin-ladin!
A step closer to Marshall law….is all part of his plan
You gotta get all the brainless and illegals to stop voting democrats, its the democrats that arm criminals but prevent legal law abiding people to legaly arm themselves
Maybe he got the message that he is # one on their buckett list.