Just hours before a lone gunman killed two people at the Grand Theater in Lafayette, Louisiana, Obama went on the BBC to express his frustration at not being able to pass what he calls ‘common sense’ gun control measures.
“The issue of guns, that is an area where if you ask me where has been the one area where I feel that I’ve been most frustrated and most stymied it is the fact that the United States of America is the one advanced nation on Earth in which we do not have sufficient common-sense, gun-safety laws,” Obama told the BBC. “Even in the face of repeated mass killings.”
But Obama promises to double up on his efforts in his last few months as President.
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he cant desarm us and he crying to any one that will listen to hes c**p
Crazy nut job Obama!
Laughing stock of the world!
Boy! This is a true statement please share and make sure you tell Obama thank you for supporting military/veterans and seniors! He rather fill our country with illegals and Islamic nut jobs!
Obama breathes corruption!
if Hillary gets elected I’m moving……………………………..right to a homeless encampment along the river bed with all the other non refugees. And live in Citizens Refugee Camps. They say ” you don’t have to be a refugee,” but when your gov’t abandoned you, your a citizen without country cos you apparently give your spot away to outsiders because your a racist whitey!
That’s right I’m a Okie, Texan, Californian! I love Jesus Christ, I read the bible and hate communism! I’m a disabled veteran, and I own guns and have a lifetime law enforcement carry card after getting sick and injured in the OKC BOMBING, I don’t like big government especially under Obama and I’m a patriot! To Obama I’m a terrorist but so was our founding fathers! I speak my mind and do it with my grand children in mind! We need to thank our Lord for these last 8 years under Obama! That’s right thank God for putting him in office to open your eyes at this nightmare we are living in! Turn your life towards God and live for him not for Obama and his criminals! My family and I will serve the Lord! Romans 1:16, 10:9-13
Nobody else will listen
You have a condition called lack of common sense! Hussein
He never suggested any “common sense” gun control measures.
Speaking of common sense; have you ever seen a gun load,’aim and fire a round without a human to operate or supervise the fire control even on our most sophisticated military crew served weapons.
My loaded longarm has sat long and forlorn for many years at the readyin my house. It has survived divorce, kids , grandkids, dogs, cats, and stalking felons without a twitch of its own accord. It’s pretty old, not pretty, but puts steel on target and always goes bang.
The man has no bounds or morals he will not cross. The country is in turmoil and race relations are at an all time high. Set back 60 years. The sooner he leaves the better.