Obama has approved $419 million dollars to immediately help with the refugee crisis in the Middle East, overflowing into Europe. This approval of funds come after the European countries have no consensus on how to handle the crisis, and have been haggling over terms to help the refugees.
In another incident, the Veteran’s Administration has come out with its budget. The budget is in striking contrast to the amount of money Obama is willing to devote to overseas concerns, non-American concerns. The VA’s budget is $1.4 billion short, meaning the VA will have to curb the services allotted to our Veterans.
more on Obama’s spending next page
Sad and sickening!
A total slap in the face to our military and veterans!!!!! Take care of the people who risk their lives for our country first!!!!!!
What do you think a muslim would do ?
And boener wanted to give Obama another blank check to spend for that would last through the end of Obamas term. This is what he spends it on.
And Ryan will give Obama the blank check.So fed up with both parties. So fed up.How blind can people be.Obama is a Muslim. He supports Muslims.He would give this country to all of them ,if he could as he walks out of the WH in a year.
This money is coming out of social security.Shame on Obama stealing old peoples money that they worked for all their lives.
thats are barri. and democrats like it as well, otherwise they would vote differently.
NOT Syrian migrants! They ARE Syrian invaders!
He needs to be taken out of office by the military before this can ever happen
Here you go democrats,this is who you are!