Obama has approved $419 million dollars to immediately help with the refugee crisis in the Middle East, overflowing into Europe. This approval of funds come after the European countries have no consensus on how to handle the crisis, and have been haggling over terms to help the refugees.
In another incident, the Veteran’s Administration has come out with its budget. The budget is in striking contrast to the amount of money Obama is willing to devote to overseas concerns, non-American concerns. The VA’s budget is $1.4 billion short, meaning the VA will have to curb the services allotted to our Veterans.
more on Obama’s spending next page
Thats bs!!!!
Where is congress to stop Obama Crime wave?
refuse the money for syrians, give it to vets.
Put out all muslims from America but not obama , He should be executed for treason and murder !!!
Invasion by our own so called leaders..Traitors
he took the money from Social Security.
But he is a Christian! He said so.
Before Obama agrees to send money to other countries he needs to see to Americas needs first. If he wants to send his own money that’s fine. When sending taxpayers money he needs to check with the taxpayers first. I am tired of his wasteful spending.
Ya’ll know the President doesn’t spend he just signs bills into law and veto bills. Congress spend, Congress Spend!!!!
They are being punish for not voteing Democrat,,, then Obama can give the muzzies the vets unclaimed social security too..