Obama has approved $419 million dollars to immediately help with the refugee crisis in the Middle East, overflowing into Europe. This approval of funds come after the European countries have no consensus on how to handle the crisis, and have been haggling over terms to help the refugees.
In another incident, the Veteran’s Administration has come out with its budget. The budget is in striking contrast to the amount of money Obama is willing to devote to overseas concerns, non-American concerns. The VA’s budget is $1.4 billion short, meaning the VA will have to curb the services allotted to our Veterans.
more on Obama’s spending next page
He is bankrupting on purpose and our congress and senate are USELESS!!!!!!!!
not right , but a muslim brotherhood member as he is will put them or us .
Oh but it makes the liberals FEEL so good.
if only those 320 million citizens actually did it
Wake up !!!
Yep….us 320 mil need to speak LOUDLY.
Obama=Worst President Ever. Even worse than Jimmy Carter and LBJ.
Wrong in so many ways! ! But did you expect a Muslim to put our military before his own? ?
obama is a scourge a disease like syphilis.
Just goes to show you he has no respect for our Vets and those currently in the armed forces. How about we get rid of his secret service units, his company car, plane, chopper etc