Obama Commits To Spend $4.5 Billion For Syrian Migrants, VA has $1.4 Billion Shortfall

From the report Obama allotting money to the refugee crisis:

White House spokesman Josh Earnest says the United States will direct nearly $419 million in humanitarian aid toward helping Syrian refugees.

Earnest says the money will help pay for emergency health care, safe drinking water, food and shelter.

Earnest says the U.S. has now committed to spend $4.5 billion to help address the dire conditions inside Syria and in refugee camps scattered across the region.

The money will come through the U.S. Agency for International Development and Congress will not have to approve the additional spending.

From the report on the VA shortfall:

But it comes in $1.4 billion under what the White House had requested for VA spending in fiscal 2016, money that department officials say will stymie construction efforts and reduce some medical care access.

It’s an obvious question, when you take a look at the amounts, $4.5 billion versus a $1.4 billion shortfall.  Obama has been a leader of the Middle East, not a leader and advocate of America and Americans.  And his hatred of all things American military, seeing the military and the Vets as something America needs to apologize for-while he praises the Palestian leader Abbas, and disrespects Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Obama could care less about the VA or the Veterans.  He has reduced America’s military to pre-World War II days, and has left the US vulnerable all over the world.

Source: Military Times






    • rockfordjohn
  1. JD

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