Why has Obama skipped national security meetings regarding the situation in the Ukraine – a situation so serious it could cause World War III?
Why does he not attend job council meetings with unemployment so high? Where was he during Benghazi? Why all the golfing as Iraq disintegrates?
Wayne Allyn Root, Obama’s ’83 classmate at Columbia University, states that neither he nor any of the classmates he’s contacted ever saw Obama in any class either.
Mr. Root also tracked down one department chairman who’s classes were attended by all prominent American political leaders over the past 46 years – he never saw Obama at Columbia.
Mr. Root stops short of accusing him of never having attended, but states that it’s strange only 1 professor and very few students claim to have ever seen him.
Check out the video after the break:
be cause he wasent their he is a ghost student
This is not just Obama, this is a well thought out plan to, as the Muslim Brotherhood has already declared, “destroy America from within.”
Why go to a meeting that you know nothing about?
There was a guy , a Senator , in the late 1940’s & 50’s who declared that not only the government but the media , the educational system and Hollywood was shot through and through with Communists . He screwed up his investigation and was scorned . But he was right . Guy by the name of McCarthy . Same will apply here regarding the Muslims. The liberals are to afraid to do their own killing and will let the Muslims do it for them .
thats what is happening , and not a shot fired ??
It was all made up. He was not born as an American and that is why he is trying to destroy us and make the US MUSLIMS, I will never be one. He can take that Koran and shove it were the sun don’t shine. Kenya born
Let us know when you find out why
He was also an absentee President of the Harvard Law Review.
He was groomed in the shadows to use now. That’s why there’s no concrete paper trail. He’s a puppet standing in for someone else’s Agenda.