It’s absolutely amazing the stuff Barack Obama gets away with. Could you imagine what would happen to a Republican if he uttered something like this?
David Axelrod tells us that during a point where Obama became exacerbated over all the accusations thrown at him for being anti-Israel, Obama made claims that seem to be quite delusional.
US/Israel relations are at the lowest point in decades, but of course that point is lost on Obama, who only sees in himself what he wants to see.
His statements are becoming more far out all the time.
Jewish my$#%&!@* he is a full blown Muslim and their supporter in cheif
Delusional Muslim traitor terrorist$#%&!@* the GREAT DIVIDER!!
There’s nothing Jewish about you You’re pure Muslim goat humper
Jew got tobe kidding me mang!!
Totally, blissfully unaware of how disrespected he is.
He is ubelieable.
Obama is a joke and a disgrace to our country
What? His father was a muslim and his mother was a nothing
His socialist mother was a quarter Jewish. He is the son of a jackel. He is a piece of many things.