Right on the heels of Iran magically discovering they enriched uranium, and the Argentine president revealing that Obama wanted them to sell nuclear material to Iran, the Obama administration plans to close the last remaining American-owned uranium enrichment facility in the United States. Let’s level the playing field by leveling a few cities via nuclear bombs. More Obama endangerment on the next page:
change…it’s all good 🙂
that just means we’ve got something much better and Nuclear is no longer useful
That’s messed up
I hope the boneheads that voted for him are not please cause he really is a crappy pres
Sounds like his perfect plan is in motion.
Everything this mooslim does is to tear down our nation!
This is just insane! The sooner Obama goes the faster this country can recover.
We can buy it from them.
Obama aids our enemies. Hang the muslim SOB for treason.