Right on the heels of Iran magically discovering they enriched uranium, and the Argentine president revealing that Obama wanted them to sell nuclear material to Iran, the Obama administration plans to close the last remaining American-owned uranium enrichment facility in the United States. Let’s level the playing field by leveling a few cities via nuclear bombs. More Obama endangerment on the next page:
Obama’s regime is the enemy to the United States a bunch of dumbasses
Stop him
How can this man have so much power to destroy us? What else don’t we know?
Wow, is right!
Utopia would be nice but Iran is increasing their uranium & they want USA & Israel off map.
Yes TRAITOR Obama!
When is someone going to arrest this man? He wants us to get obliterated and not be able to fight back, with a gay civilian heading the army and Obama’s constant gun grabbing antics that are at the least complete fabrications with crises actors and at worst costing innocent lives. Now it is a Felony to protest anywhere the secret police are located. Americans are going to get a slap in the face that they are not prepared for, as much as I hate to say it, but it’s our own fault as a society. We’ve degraded ourselves and sat back in a fat drunken stupor and LET IT HAPPEN, and it’s still happening! This country needs to wake up and realize homosexuality is a sin against self and family, it is perversion of obvious natural law. We need to stop it with this breast feeding, transgender controversy, high heel wearing NONSENSE. The fluoride in the water must really be working. This country needs to wake up and repent, stop flouting ignorance, stop eating up the lies. We The People need to make some changes in how we’ve let our mentality as a society decline. The fact that Obama is on his second term, the fact that he hasn’t been thrown out with such blatantly treasonous acts, is a symptom of our condition! People, put down the remote, turn off the radio, put down your phone, and do a thorough examination of what you believe to be true and right, and of there are shades of grey, your not living in reality. There is the truth, then there is a lie. Something is either right, or it is wrong, it either matters or it doesn’t, but when you destroy the family, you destroy society. Wake up
Don’t be fooled he is setting up the massive fall of the USA into Kaos so that it can be taken easier by the Muslims who control the UN and are Infultriating our own government at every level while bringing in fighting age male Muslims from Syria by the thousands.
If Only SOMEBODY had the fortitude to go right under to him and arrest him for treason and fraud, etc.
Pos OBAMA. Even his former vocal supporters are sslowly shutting their cake holes.