Right on the heels of Iran magically discovering they enriched uranium, and the Argentine president revealing that Obama wanted them to sell nuclear material to Iran, the Obama administration plans to close the last remaining American-owned uranium enrichment facility in the United States. Let’s level the playing field by leveling a few cities via nuclear bombs. More Obama endangerment on the next page:
he just keeps on trying to destroy this nation any way he can and no one seems to have the guts or wiilpower to stop him
His plan to destroy America Mike
Not much of the U.S. left to give away
Wow, I guess Obama is serious about letting Iran nuke the USA.
Israel is the largeat producer of uranium in the world. The world gets there uranium from Israel. Even the U.S. so this is a lie.
Another step to destroy America.
Only MORONS makes a deal with IRAN
That is our brain dead Muslim dictator!!!
High treason. bonnie