Right on the heels of Iran magically discovering they enriched uranium, and the Argentine president revealing that Obama wanted them to sell nuclear material to Iran, the Obama administration plans to close the last remaining American-owned uranium enrichment facility in the United States. Let’s level the playing field by leveling a few cities via nuclear bombs. More Obama endangerment on the next page:
And he took an oath to protect us from all enemies foreign and domestic. HUH
Pure unadulterated TREASON!!!!
Stupid deal !!
Obama is aiming for his End of Days. Some in Government know this and are willing to see his End as soon as Hell comes to the United States and Americans fight for their families lives.
He should of been felt with a Long time ago! Everything he does hurts us not help us .! He wants to destroy America..someone needs to deal with him..!
Obama is the antichrist!
Treason for obumba. Treason.Take back our country.
Impeach him.
Absolutely !
the next president is going to have a hard job correcting the damage done by this Kenyan