Graduating from Columbia the same year as Obama in 1983, Wayne Allyn Root is intimately familiar with the environment the president came to his own in. An unabashed conservative even then, Root easily stood out in a small class of 700 made up primarily of liberal activists and would-be radicals.
Strangely, despite the small size of their class, and the even smaller size of the political science department both Root and Obama were in, the two never crossed pass. In fact, Root claims that even today, he cannot find any of his former classmates who recall ever encountering the president during his time at Columbia.
In any case, what Root has to tell listeners about the left-wing program he and his peers were battered over the head with at the university will send chills down red-blooded Americans’ spines.
Watch video of Root’s discussion of Obama on the next page:
Sounds like more Affirmitive Action b.s….
Mr. Leonard are entitled to your opinion, but your letting all realize what an incredibly stupid human being you are.
↖️Click picture to follow me, if you’re confused with all the f**e news! I support Trump. I have many statuses I wrote that makes me furious to think what’s happening here in the U.S. Look@my page to learn the truth+my truth
Explaining that his classmates at Columbia were not satisfied to merely call themselves liberals, Root recounts the pride with which they identified themselves as socialists and communists whilst decrying the “evil” of capitalism and demonizing business owners. He also says that they plotted to someday deliberately crash the economy so that the American people would beg for the government to step in and “save” them, just like Obama has tried to do.
maybe you should do some actual homework of your own, on whats really going on in this country, and quit watching the liberal media, and listening to the liberal professors, that teach socialism.
Mr Money and ROOT…why are you telling your story now?… didn’t youhave the gall/balls to tell it while Obama was on his first term? Telling it now you deserve pubblicity or shame? The fellow americans and your brethren meant anything to you? Did the COLUMBIA University forbid you to speak out?…well…better late than never
Dranon Wright
Dranon Wright
This is what our forefathers predicted that we would be destroyed from within!!!