Graduating from Columbia the same year as Obama in 1983, Wayne Allyn Root is intimately familiar with the environment the president came to his own in. An unabashed conservative even then, Root easily stood out in a small class of 700 made up primarily of liberal activists and would-be radicals.
Strangely, despite the small size of their class, and the even smaller size of the political science department both Root and Obama were in, the two never crossed pass. In fact, Root claims that even today, he cannot find any of his former classmates who recall ever encountering the president during his time at Columbia.
In any case, what Root has to tell listeners about the left-wing program he and his peers were battered over the head with at the university will send chills down red-blooded Americans’ spines.
Watch video of Root’s discussion of Obama on the next page:
Remimber ” fundamentally changing America ” . What a rat.
true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1by a MUSLIM
WOW! I think Obama’s classmate is telling the truth!!
Richard Langlais you need to be a history professor instead of the idiots we have twisting your minds today. Well said.
Charles Walker you need to work on your negativism. Trump does not sound rediculous. Can you sight why you think so. He has already given me more “hope and change” than I have seen in 8 years. I am finally very optimistic about this great country and I can only hope that, in time you will come to see it too.
I think many saw it but no body was listening.
The whole political system is a fraud. It will continue to be so until our monetary system is replaced. It us true that I am negative about this country. This is only because I have seen how f**e and fraudulent the central power has become. I have seen the people become brainwashed to propaganda. When I tell others this people say but from “what I read in the news” or “from what I saw on tv.” But that is the point. People blindly believe what they are told. How do we know it is true? We don’t, and that’s the point. This country has become a divide and rule country. People blindly follow each other based on dogma fed to them by elites and people they will never know.
The whole political system is a fraud. It will continue to be so until our monetary system is replaced. It us true that I am negative about this country. This is only because I have seen how f**e and fraudulent the central power has become. I have seen the people become brainwashed to propaganda. When I tell others this people say but from “what I read in the news” or “from what I saw on tv.” But that is the point. People blindly believe what they are told. How do we know it is true? We don’t, and that’s the point. This country has become a divide and rule country. People blindly follow each other based on dogma fed to them by elites and people they will never know.
The whole political system is a fraud. It will continue to be so until our monetary system is replaced. It us true that I am negative about this country. This i
s only because I have seen how f**e and fraudulent the central power has become. I have seen the people become brainwashed to propaganda. When I tell others this people say but from “what I read in the news” or “from what I saw on tv.” But that is the point. People blindly believe what they are told. How do we know it is true? We don’t, and that’s the point. This country has become a divide and rule country. People blindly follow each other based on dogma fed to them by elites and people they will never know.