Graduating from Columbia the same year as Obama in 1983, Wayne Allyn Root is intimately familiar with the environment the president came to his own in. An unabashed conservative even then, Root easily stood out in a small class of 700 made up primarily of liberal activists and would-be radicals.
Strangely, despite the small size of their class, and the even smaller size of the political science department both Root and Obama were in, the two never crossed pass. In fact, Root claims that even today, he cannot find any of his former classmates who recall ever encountering the president during his time at Columbia.
In any case, what Root has to tell listeners about the left-wing program he and his peers were battered over the head with at the university will send chills down red-blooded Americans’ spines.
Watch video of Root’s discussion of Obama on the next page:
Both of them need to be in front of a firing squad.
I think that a lot of the colleges are Miss leading the students and turning them into Lil obamas
Lock him up before it’s too late for America.
Of course Obama was destroying America. The ultimate Manchurian Candidate. He was groomed for the presidency by leftwing radicals.
Only after 8 years.????
So did Nikita Khrushchev
No, you waited until now to hear what he has to say.
Barack Obama
The most successful president in American history.
(If your ISIS)
The amount of destruction that he has wrought in such a short period of time is astounding. Make no mistake, this is intentional, and he has been successful. Nearly half the population now on some form of welfare. 94 million working age Americans are unemployed; and we are supposed to believe that the unemployment rate is below 6%. Our Military, the weakest it has been in generations, including the destruction of our nuclear arsenal, while facilitating The development of nuclear weapons for terrorist regimes such as Iran, who call publicly for death to America and Israel, and while other world powers, such as China and Russia continue to grow their nuclear arsenal. All the while allowing Hillary to transfer ownership of United States uranium to Russia, in return for $140 million in “donations” to the Clinton crime family foundation,
Adding 7.5 trillion and counting to our national debt, in addition to printing $80 billion per month(QE&QE2), to the tune of $4.5 trillion and pumping it into Wall Street. Government takeover of GM (at the expense of the bondholders and the taxpayers), and the entire health care and health care insurance industry, and lying through his teeth to facilitate this. Inciting racial division at every possible juncture, as well as, class warfare, for divided, we are much easier to conquer.
Constantly denigrating and apologizing for America on the world stage, teaching our children in schools, that America is evil and was founded upon this evilness, an America that has, in a time span of less than 250 years, been the greatest force for good in the history of the world, a first lady that said she’s never been proud of America before her husband was elected, and make no mistake, they are completely representative of the Democrat party elite. It’s obvious Barack Obama wants to take America down a couple of notches, that he does not want America to be the greatest nation on earth, if not America, then who?
Blatantly refusing enforcement of immigration laws, and trampling upon the Constitution, after taking an oath to enforce the laws of this country and uphold the Constitution, and facilitating the invasion of America by illegals, for the sole purpose of infusing the Democrat party with future voters, building the dependent class necessary for liberals to remain in power; I say let’s legalize all the illegal immigrants, only one caveat, they’re not allowed to vote for 25 years.
Say this to liberal and you will find out what their true agenda is, when it comes to illegal immigration.
Insulting and abandoning our allies, and befriending, appeasing, bowing to, and dealing with our enemies. Releasing known terrorists back onto the battlefield during an armed conflict,(this is treasonous), “trading” them for a known traitor (Beau Bergdahl).
Using federal agencies such as the IRS to target American citizens who disagree with him politically. Using the DOJ to further the racial divide by non-prosecution of blacks. Using the EPA to restrict economic growth and development and limit personal property freedom to the greatest extent possible. Using the NSA to spy on the American people; just a question here, do you think it’s possible that Chief Justice John Roberts is being blackmailed?
There is no doubt that the impetus for moral decay in this country is the liberal, leftist, progressive, marxist, socialist, communist ideologic philosophy exemplified by the modern day democrat party. America is the example the rest of the world should follow. History teaches us that liberalism, by whatever name you call it, is a complete failure and often results in actions of a genocidal nature. One cannot avoid having to face up to the destruction being caused by the leftist administration currently in the Whitehouse. For the safety and future of your children and gr
Make American Great Again!!
The truth will surface once trump in the whitehouse. I believe they are afraid of what will come up. The most deceitful and deceiving President in us history. He could have been great.but chose to turn this nation to its knees.. It won’t happen Obama… We are stronger than you think… God have mercey on your soul..but i doubt it.. God bless us.
You people are fucking delusional.