Graduating from Columbia the same year as Obama in 1983, Wayne Allyn Root is intimately familiar with the environment the president came to his own in. An unabashed conservative even then, Root easily stood out in a small class of 700 made up primarily of liberal activists and would-be radicals.
Strangely, despite the small size of their class, and the even smaller size of the political science department both Root and Obama were in, the two never crossed pass. In fact, Root claims that even today, he cannot find any of his former classmates who recall ever encountering the president during his time at Columbia.
In any case, what Root has to tell listeners about the left-wing program he and his peers were battered over the head with at the university will send chills down red-blooded Americans’ spines.
Watch video of Root’s discussion of Obama on the next page:
No kidding. Anyone paying attention to Obama’s agendas they haven’t been good for America.
Americans know of the attacks that Obama is putting on America. How he is doing all those evil things to make sure we suffer and die. Wrong time of my life though for I’m more determined to survive to see him die and the Democrats/Republicans turned Democrats and became Traitors in office, that are making sure his dreams of Destruction are finalized in America.
That’s right, Francois….. the man has never even proven that his white mother was born in Kansas….. personally, I don’t believe he was born in Hawaii, to a white mother, that he never attended Columbia or Harvard Law School, but we DO know that his side-kick was born a man and had a sex-change, and that 0 knows nothing about Christianity, but can recite the Quran by heart…..
Can’t wait to see his Karma.
Plot means conspiracy
He said he would and idiots votes for him twice !
obama must go
Socialist could give a rat’s$#%&!@*less, if Obama is American, born to an American, or born in America. He has a reported SS# from Bernies state, but, never, lived their? They don’t care if he is a Muslim, and trying to change our country to include Muslim law’s, our that he allow’s member’s of the Brotherhood within our government buildings and in United States government positions. They do not care that he is the worse liar, we ever had as President. They do not care he has weakened our Military to a point where Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and ISIS, all now, after many years, are starting to think, we can be defeated! That he has allowed our debt to be doubled in his 7 short years as President. This could go on all night! Why is that, do they like that word change so much? Are they so mad at a few high up Republicans in office, that they allow this man who has done nothing, but allow the deterioration of our country, like race relations, to be elected to a second term, even though he never proved to be good for the Country in his first term? To me it just look’s like alot of people who got used to having everything handed to them from childhood until now, are too lazy, to care about what is happening to a great country, and how many thing’s being tryed to day, have already failed. Half of the Obamacare Exchanges, are already closed, it’s a total failure, that never meet it’s original goal. Look at Solar, it failed and they bring it back, by subsidizing it, with tax payers money! Write a list of what Obama has done for the tax payers, who pay for the operation of our country, you know, pay the bills! Don’t even comment without that list!
Bring in Muslims create civil war .does that sound right.ohh destroy economy create dedt that is impossible to pay .answer take all the oil from the middle east destroy it kill all the inhabitants give it to china when done .
He has done that now put his$#%&!@*in jail